The DENR 7 through the Conservation Development Division (CDD) is hosting the Training Workshop on National Integrated Protected Area System (NIPAS) Marine Protected Areas Capacity Building Program Regional Rollout for Cluster 2 Protected Area Managers at Alta Cebu Village Garden Resort in Cordova, Cebu from September 2-7, 2019.

The training which started yesterday aimed to capacitate and equip protected area managers on various aspects of marine protected area management and performance monitoring especially on marine ecosystem, coastal and ocean processes, MPA fundamentals and coastal and marine spatual planning.

Participants of Cluster 2 rollout are protected area managers from DENR 7, MIMAROPA, DENR Region 5, DENR Region 6 and DENR Region 8.

Establishing marine protected areas is one of the best strategies implemented in the countrt to promote sustainable management of coastal and marine resources. With the growing number of MPAs in the Philippines, there is a need to improve the understanding of stakeholders on the effective management of these MPAs.

The said training workshop aims to address this need and make sure that protected area managers are provided with the proper guidance, methods and techniques they can use in the implementation of programs, projects and activities for their respective MPAs.